View of Mt. Olomana from Frankie's Nursery
About Us
Frankie's Nursery presents quality fruit trees direct from the fruit tree specialists. We offer free consultation and a worldwide selection of the best tropical and subtropical fruit tree cultivars. We travel to many tropical countries seeking to introduce the finest promising cultivars available. Introduced trees are grown on our farm and propagated for release to the public, only after they exhibit their merit here in Hawaii.
Discover the versatility and ornamental values that fruit trees can provide in landscaping your home or farm.
At Frankie's Nursery we continue striving to provide you with the best cultivars since 1979

Mele Kalima 'Honey Cream' Pineapple

Farm Visit
Visitors are welcome to explore the nursery grounds where we have our tropical and subtropical fruit trees for sale. Alongside our trees for sale we have a stand selling our daily harvested fruits from our mature trees, and an assortment of homemade delicious tropical juices. Fruits for sale vary depending on seasons. For example, mangoes are primarily available in summer, durians are in the winter, and Mele Kalima pineapples are all year round. Please call for more information on availability.
Looking for people interested in horticulture.
Have the ability to learn and work hard.
Someone who loves being outdoors and doesn't mind the rain.
If this sounds like you, please contact us for an application.